The time now is Mon Feb 10, 2025 9:12 am |
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:30 pm Post subject: Food for thought... |
Joined: 13 Mar 2006 Posts: 148
As I laid awake in the wee hours of the morning contemplating that this program is fighting for it’s existence, I was saddened by what I have been witnessing lately. Don’t get me wrong...to see the responses to Mr. Edward’s call for help has blown me away and it’s amazing to see how a family can mobilize to try to move mountains.
While the response has been breathtaking, I wanted to share something that has been pressing on my heart for some time. This may not be the best place and if I have over-stepped my bounds, please AFE, accept my apology. It is with the truest intention that I am saying this.
Every year, during the opening ceremonies during the WWTS, Mr. Edwards talks about being the best-of-the-best. And for those who are fortunate to make tour are pushed to be the best-of-the-best every second of every day. It’s the life in the fish bowl. And I think, that now more than ever, we are all very aware just how closely we are being looked at. We must remember that we wanted this. We sat across from Mr. Edwards and told him that at this point in our lives, our desire to be TIB was the most important thing. No one pushed this on us. Each and every one of us stepped up and said that we were the best-of-the-best. We wanted to be Tops In Blue. And that label will stay with us for the rest of our lives.
With the advent of social networking, it is now easier to share every aspect of our lives with each other: MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, etc. We have all become an open book. It is a great way to stay in contact with the people in our lives; to share our viewpoints and celebrate our diversity. But, with that comes great responsibility. As Priors, or those who are competing for a seat on the bus, we must remember that being Tops In Blue is not just while we are at work or still serving in the military. It is a full-time, 24-hour, 7 day-a-week, 365-a-year job. We must use good judgment when posting pictures, videos, and status updates, etc. Vulgarities, profanity, and things that do not exemplify what being the best-of-the-best means belittles and degrades what this program stands for. Especially when we advertise our association with Tops In Blue!
Let us remember and keep close to our hearts the trust and faith that Mr. Edwards and this program has placed in us. To represent this program with anything less is a slap in the face to him and to those before us and those to come. Let us hold ourselves and each other accountable to the standards that we know that are expected of us. Let’s show the world why we are Tops In Blue!
Just some food for thought... _________________ Libby Castle
http://www.believersfreedom.blogspot.com |
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 3:22 pm Post subject: |

Joined: 27 Mar 2006 Posts: 44
Well said, good stuff! _________________ BLUE LOVE,
TIB 89 & 90 |
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:03 pm Post subject: |
Joined: 29 May 2006 Posts: 3 Location: San Antonio, TX
Very well put Libby. I pray that others read and heed because as with everything else that we do we must lead by example. Thank you for writing what a lot of us have been thinking. _________________ Derek G. Sinclair '93/ '96
Ps. 57:7 - 11 |
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:48 pm Post subject: Thank you |
Greenwell WWTS 2010
Joined: 27 Jan 2010 Posts: 3 Location: Goldsboro, NC
Thank you very much for saying that. I am very new to the whole TIB experience but that message from Mr. Edwards was the most significant thing I took from World Wide. I don't usually use FaceBook but since returning from Texas I have answered friend requests from a few contestants and TIB members and I have seen a few things that have certainly raised my eyebrows. Maybe people just don't realize how connected everything is and what kind of picture they are painting of themselves. I hope it is ignorance and not because they just don't care.
Thank you again for posting this. I'm happy to know I'm not the only one thinking this. _________________ Scott |
Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:20 pm Post subject: Wolverine Translation |
Joined: 16 Feb 2006 Posts: 91 Location: Ft Walton Beach, FL
Libby you're always so polite and diplomatic. Please allow me to break it down a little further in my usual Wolverine style:
For all of you (and you know who you are) who post lame pictures and videos of drunk and stupid human tricks on YouTube and your pages while wearing Tops in Blue gear or using our name, QUIT IT. Trust me -- people have, will, and do find out about it. Delete this crap NOW. If you had to look Mr. Edwards in the eye and explain yourself, would it still be so funny and cool? You should be ashamed. Everyone has tour stories and they do crazy things to blow off steam while on the road but keep your dirty laundry private! You must understand that you have no right to take the prestigious name of this program that's older than both you and probably your parents and reduce it down to a demeaning clip of some idiot in a TIB t-shirt drooling into a camera while drunk or dance-grinding on some friend or tour mate like its a strip club or talking smack in some online forum like you're a TIB expert on everything. There are so many people who work their @sses off to get you and keep you on the road and this is the thanks they get?! I wish I had a video of some of you cocky little divas getting your face cracked by Chief in a meeting, now THAT would make great internet fodder for all of us to laugh at, wouldn't it...or would that be too embarrassing? USE YOUR FREAKIN HEADS, PEOPLE. This stuff is what our enemies use against us, you are killing this program through friendly fire.
I wholeheartedly apologize if I'm out of line here and I'm sorry for the profanity but this outrage needs to be stopped and all the nice ways to put it don't seem to have helped so far. Someone needs to jerk a knot in some @ss. |
Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:26 am Post subject: |
Kahlil Ashanti
Joined: 20 Mar 2007 Posts: 79
I absolutely support you on this. One of the issues I think you're addressing here and an issue we need to be aware of more is the branding of TIB. By branding I mean what does TIB stand for? We know it but how will other people know it? And more importantly, how will they remember it?
I have sat in meeting after meeting with Hollywood film and tv execs in an effort to explain the importance of TIB and after all the stories and laughs -whether they believe me or not-what's the first thing they do when I mention it to them?
1. Google
2. YouTube
This doesn't happen when I leave the office. This is DURING the meeting. They open up their MacBook and get to searchin. And I've found myself defending things that embarrass me in more ways than one - usually things we as priors broadcast on Facebook and everywhere else that don't belong in the public domain.
What these execs find shapes their opinion in more ways than seeing a live show. Why? Because attention spans are short. They don't have time to go see a show.
The internet has changed the game in ways we will not fully realize until our kids grow up and ask us 'if Tops In Blue was so great why are there videos of people doing things like that?' The fishbowl just became a whole lot bigger. I acted a fool on my tours just like everybody else. But what goes on the bus - stays on the bus.
As the great Bernie Rone used to say, let's "get smart" and stop pretending like we don't know right from wrong.
There's a couple videos I saw recently on Facebook that seriously chap my a** (sorry Chris for the curse) and I can think of a few more.
We are better than this. We are better than this. We know better than this. Maybe it's too easy to get selected.
That's all I gotta say. Done got myself all worked up. You know black folks got high blood pressure anyway. Let me go to bed. |
Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:30 am Post subject: |
Joined: 06 Mar 2006 Posts: 13
Thank You Libby,
I don't think anyone could have said it better. Especially during this trying time for the TIB. You are absolutely right. Your message is a good wake up call that I hope everyone will understand. I appreciate your candidness, it is exctly what we need. The Truth! Wearing the TIB logo and carrying the TIB name is a 24/7 honor. |
Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 5:17 pm Post subject: Well said! |
Joined: 19 May 2006 Posts: 45 Location: Atlanta, GA
Well put my sister. I pray that we all examine ourselves to make sure we uphold the standard. I have to even make sure that what I say and post always maintains a standard of excellence and humility. Thank you again for reminding us all.
Naybu _________________ "Success is not the product of fate, chance, nor luck; it is the desire that knows not defeat." |
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:14 am Post subject: 25 superbowls later |
Joined: 15 Feb 2006 Posts: 7 Location: Kingston Ga.
Happy Superbowl Sunday to all my prior Friends and Family.. It's been 25 years since I really paid attention to this particular day.. I always felt as if the Honor and Creed of being associated with TIB is for Life.. Everyday not sometime..I feel sorry for the souls that missed this. I've got a child that hopes one day to aspire to be a member of TIB and I really hope she can. My prayers are with you all... _________________ You do all you can but then sometimes, YOU DO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:17 am Post subject: |
Joined: 13 Mar 2006 Posts: 148
That's exactly what I am talking about. Unfortunately, some don't think outside their world and try to think of the ripple effect that their actions cause.
It is really hard to try to explain to those who are new to the program who see this stuff that they are supposed to be the best-of-the-best. It really pains me to see that the actions of a few are destroying what took hundreds of people 57 years to build.
What really worries me is that the folks who are putting this program under the microscope are going to go searching for this stuff...it's just like you pointed out, they'll use google and voila the ammo comes to them.
Thanks for the breakdown! Only you... _________________ Libby Castle
http://www.believersfreedom.blogspot.com |
Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:48 pm Post subject: |

Joined: 14 Feb 2006 Posts: 26 Location: Phoenix, AZ
I respect all of you. but I am sort of upset at how this was handled. Libby I read the email you sent to the person that has ownership of that video. And reading it from my perspective, it's not as diplomatic as you might think you were trying to come across. And Kelle. Just wow. different views aside, is that really the way we talk to each other if we're supposed to be family. I tell you, this thread has done nothing more than bring WAY MORE attention to an issue that could have been solved discretely. talk about airing dirty laundry. I bet the 300 people plus that has viewed this thread, went right over to youtube to try to view it.
I'm not going to stir up trouble, I'm just want to point out that there was a better way to handle this. for all the hate messages I'm going to recieve for having a different perspective on things. I get that. just wanted to tell you that my belief in this "family" has waivered some. _________________ ´¨¨)) -:¦:-
¸.·´ .·´¨¨))
((¸¸.·´ ..·´ Corey TIB 2004/2008-:¦:-
-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* |
Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:41 pm Post subject: |
Joined: 13 Mar 2006 Posts: 148
I respect your views. I am a little confused, however, how this thread has called anyone in particular on the carpet. Until your post, there was nothing that mentioned a particular YouTube Video. I was speaking in generalities. I was actually talking to all Priors, including myself. Sometimes we all need a reminder.
I am not sure how you read that message...if it was forwarded to you by that individual then that is their decision. If for some reason because of my being new to YouTube if I, by mistake, had posted that message publicly, then I apologize truly for that was not my intent. But, I think what I sent was a private message and that conversation was between me and that individual. I can understand that you would want to stand up for your cast-mate. but I sent that person a PERSONAL message and chose, out of respect, to address it one-on-one. Corey it was you, by posting this message here in public, that has "brought WAY MORE attention to an issue that could have been solved discretely".
If you have any more comments towards me or Kellee for that matter, please PM us. Show me the same respect that I showed that person by addressing my issue with them personally. And if you think I was undiplomatic with that message, then you don't know me very well. BTW, just because family disagrees does not mean that it is wavering, it just means that it disagrees. _________________ Libby Castle
http://www.believersfreedom.blogspot.com |
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:10 pm Post subject: |
Joined: 16 Feb 2006 Posts: 91 Location: Ft Walton Beach, FL
Brother, we will always be family. I'm sorry if this message was hurtful or offensive in the way it was delivered (I have always willingly copped to being tact-impaired) but I figured if it didn't apply to whoever was reading it then they have no reason to be offended anyway. I don't know what happened between you, your cast-mate, and Libby. All I know is, all the nice and subtle ways to address the issue don't seem to have worked since Chief now mentions it at Worldwide every year and Libby did her best to be diplomatic about it, at least here on our bbs, but it keeps happening. I will admit sometimes I'm curious to see the trash floating around out there but I don't want my rubbernecking to be one more "hit" on a video that someone is bragging about. Chief has way more to do than crack faces over this stuff so its up to us as priors to do it for him.
Last edited by Kellee-Ryan-95 on Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:40 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:32 pm Post subject: The way ahead...to be the best |

Joined: 12 Feb 2010 Posts: 2 Location: Pembroke Pines, FL
I am brand new to this program, just finishing WWTS 2010, but I totally agree with this thread. Computer networking, while a wonderful vehicle to stay connected, has got to be considered a 'piece of glass' with which others look at us through. The standard must be upheld on and off stage for the credibility of this program and the AF itself to stand a chance. _________________ Robert H Clark |
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:36 pm Post subject: |

Joined: 27 Mar 2006 Posts: 44
My Brothers and Sisters,
Let us not forget what the intent of the posting was for. Food for thought.. It is there to remind us that we are always representing not only this program but the USAF. We will all have our opinions and that's what makes this a beautiful world. But we should respect each other in spite of our differences. I am sure that there was not any intent to hurt or single out anyone and if that did happen I am positive that they would apologize because that's just how we do. I think the overall message has been discussed thoroughly here and any additional conversations should be handled in private. We have other tasks to accomplish so lets move on. Who's riding shotgun!? _________________ BLUE LOVE,
TIB 89 & 90 |
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:13 pm Post subject: |
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