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Post Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:12 am    Post subject: Support Reply with quote


Joined: 14 Feb 2006
Posts: 28
Location: Kennett, England

I just wanted to offer my support to all of the spouses and family members of the 2007 team. I know I'm the only prior spouse on this tour, so if anyone has any questions of just needs someone who understands, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

Buffy Soens

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Post Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:43 am    Post subject: YOU ARE GREAT Reply with quote


Joined: 23 Apr 2007
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Location: Gulf Breeze, FL

Hi Buffy,

I think it's wonderful and very gracious of you to make this offer of support, experience and assistance to us "new members".  Precisely what I believed would be true of the TOPS IN BLUE Family!  You make me proud.  Thank you very much.

Patrick "Dad" Little

PS.  You can expect some questions from me in the future.

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Post Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 15 Feb 2006
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Location: Oklahoma City, OK

Hello Family I too am a prior spouse my husband toured in 2002 and 2004. I just wanted to also offer any assistance. It is an excting time for the whole family but can also be very trying and for some reason some of the most trying times seem to be at 2 am. I am always here day or night feel free to e-mail me or call also I am here in San Antonio just in case there is anything I can do locally hope to be of some help.

Ashley Montgomery

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Post Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 14 Feb 2006
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Location: Kennett, England

I guess it would help if I  gave my contact info for everyone to get a hold of me. I do apologize. I think staying in this small ISQ room with two kids is going to my head. It really amazes Shocked me how much a two year old can get into in such a small space. Ok, now I'm rambling, sorry.

Here's the info.....

Cell  618-806-6232
E-mail   thebluealienswife@hotmail.com

Again, please feel free to contact me, that goes for you too Mr. Little.  Shocked

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Post Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 23 Apr 2007
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Location: Gulf Breeze, FL

Hello Ladies,

As before, thank you both for your offers of assistance.  I am certain with your previous experiences, you both have a wealth of knowledge to share.  So, here we go with something of interest to me - my first question (in this forum).  I realize that our "stars" have a very demanding, tiring schedule with extremely limited "personal" time.  Although today's technology is great, it may not be equal in all performance locations.  And again, the available time issue.  I have decided to send notes and letters (yes, snail mail) to my daughter in care of TIB San Antonio.  That way I do not bog down or burden Julie with emails - emergencies excepted, of course.  So, here's my question.  Do you know how long it might take the members to receive actual mail from the States?  Did you and your husbands do snail mail, or rely on email and cell phones?  Really, I'm just curious about this.  Naturally, my situation is different from yours - with this being my daughter, not spouse - a big "priority" difference.  But I also recall how great I felt receiving correspondence at "mail call" when I was deployed.

Here is my direct contact info for you.  Please feel free to make contact.

Phone: 850-936-4668
email:  plittle4668@bellsouth.net

Thanks again.  My best to you and your families.  GOD Bless!

Patrick "Dad" Little

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Post Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 14 Feb 2006
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Location: Kennett, England

I honestly don't think I used snail mail much. We used phones more then anything. Mainly me waiting for him to call half asleep. Wink  But I would say give yourself at least a month, maybe even longer if they are overseas.

I hope this has been some help.

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Post Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 12:43 pm    Post subject: SEND SNAIL MAIL! Reply with quote


Joined: 23 Feb 2006
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Location: Charleston, SC

First of all... Buffy your kids are getting SO big!!!!!!!!!  So, is Ryan touring again this year?  

Mr. Little... even if it takes weeks for your letter or card to reach your daughter (which it might)... SEND SEND SEND!  Believe me when I say that it will reach her and make her smile when she most needs it!  I used my phone and internet constantly to connect with friends and family, but nothing compares to a hand written note. Smile  Encourage other family members to write too.  With the crazy fast pace schedule on the road it's nice to know that someone thought about you enough to sit down at a table and write something out, especially in our high tech world.  

I highly encourage treats too:)  MMMMM homemade cookies..........

Much LOVE!!!!
Jeanette Jordan TIB 2003

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Post Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 23 Apr 2007
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Location: Gulf Breeze, FL

Thank you so very much Buffy and Jeanette,

I trust you do not mind me using your first names.  No disrespect intended at all.  You all, along with Chris Burch, have made me feel extremely welcome in the TOPS IN BLUE Family.  This is super!  Gosh - if my daughter knew I was doing this ... well, let's no go there at this moment, okay?  She will find out someday and at some point.

Anyway, thank you both for the insight provided.  As I previously stated, I do realize the difference of communication "priorities" between spouses and children of touring TIB members, and that of parent-child contact.  As a spouse, Mom or Dad at home, it is much more important for this to remain the priority - through whatever means works the best in your situation.  

I would love to view your response to Jeanette, Buffy ... regarding whether or not Ryan is currently on tour.  What a hoot, if he is.  Go figure, yourself and I in touch with each other while our loved ones are out there serving on tour.  If so, and if you receive any pictures you'd care to share with the very proud Dad, please do.  I will certainly do the same for you.

Now a note for Jeannette.  Yes ma'am, I know what you are saying.  I fully subscribe to your statement of appreciation about receiving "mail" - been there, done that on both ends, and truly do know the delight experienced.  Thank you for your advice in this matter.  But, I must tell you (laughingly) that Julie would probably not really want any cookies sent to her from her Dad - I'm sure she remembers my first baking attempt of a "birthday cake" for her - very burnt, dark and hard.  Golly, even the birds wouldn't eat the cake when we through it out.  LOL or laugh-out-loud as they say these days.

Another question Jeanette.  Were you a performing member of the 2003 TIB "Souring With The Eagles" Tour?  If you were, I can tell you that I totally enjoyed seeing the performance at Hangar One on Ramstein AFB, Germany in (I think) the fall of 2003.  WOW, what a show put on for the Troops and their Families stationed there at Ramstein!  Thank you for that experience.  Funny, as it has turned out, that's about the time frame Julie started her initial TIB adventure.  As I have read many times on this great TIBPRIORS website, the "Priors" provide such fantastic encouragement to aspiring Airmen in following their dreams, perfecting their talents, and also in keeping their chins up, to work even harder, and to know they have a super support group to assist them.  Thank you and all "Priors" for that inspiration to the newest contestants and touring members.

Once again, thank you all for your assistance and welcoming.  GOD Bless you all.

Patrick "Dad" Little

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Post Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 14 Feb 2006
Posts: 28
Location: Kennett, England

Mr Little please feel free to use my first name!

To answer to your question Jeanette, YES my crazy Alien is touring again! I don't whose more crazy though, him or me.....LOL.....He is Tech Director this year. He will be playing the upright bass during one set though, as far as I know.

I am actually in San Antonio right now visiting for awhile. It has been so great to spend this time with him. I started homeschooling Chrystopher, my 8 year old, just so we could be with Ryan more. I will be heading to the wonderful state of North Dakota around the 15th of May to see family. I am going to be there till the team arrives sometime the end of June. But don't worry, they even have internet way up there!!

Jeanette, can you believe how fast our kids grow!! I bet your little one isn't so little anymore. As i said Chrystopher is 8 and Amberlyn is 2 1/2 already. She actually sitting on the bed here with hands on her hips glaring at me because I caught her playing with something she shouldn't. She has way too much attitude for her age. How are you and the family doing? I really do hope all is well with you.

Mr. Little, I have a question for you. Were you in the Ramstein area in 2001? I'm just curious.

Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Post Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 23 Apr 2007
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Location: Gulf Breeze, FL

Okay Buffy - here's the "deal".  I'll call you "Buffy" if you would please refer to me as "Pat, Patrick or Julie's Dad" - whatever trips your trigger, okay? Deal? Great - I thought so.  With that being resolved, I must ask you a return question.  How do you all do it?  I do not mean this question in a negative manner - I know from my personal experiences of being away from my family so much, it was just so difficult on everyone.  And yes, my now fully-grown daughter serving her Country in the USAF while performing with TIB, was both 2 1/2, and 8 years old, while her Dad was on "deployment" away from home.  Naturally, that placed an extreme burden of responsibly upon Julie's Mom to keep things going.  I am sure that's where you are at - and, Buffy, I thank you for your dedicated support.  I have no doubt about Allen's true appreciation for all you are doing.

Yes, I was indeed in the Ramstein area in 2001.  I'm curious why you ask this, but perhaps better to discuss via email addresses in lieu of this format.  I really do enjoy Ramstein AFB and the surrounding areas of Germany.

Please take care all - thank you for your support and encouragement.


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Post Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 15 Feb 2006
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Location: Oklahoma City, OK

Pat just to further answer you question about mail, you will actually send all mail to san antonio and they forward it to the team in a location they will soon be at. So it does not take quite as long as traditional mail would take and it is always welcomed. I know from a family members stand point it can be a very good thing as well just knowing that is another option of making your presence know in Julie's hecktic life. Hope that helps.


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Post Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 14 Feb 2006
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Location: Kennett, England

Pat, to answer your question, I honestly don't know how I do it. I have done it so much over time I guess I'm just used to it. Ryan and I will have been married 10 years this September. So needless to say I have quite a few deployments as well as tours under my belt.

One thing is for sure, I have a really good support system. Friends and family are so important. I know you think you're just a "Dad" not a spouse, but you are just as important to your daughter as I am to my husband. Support is support no matter where it comes from. So please don't underestimate yourself. In TIB land, everyone is important.

As far as the other thing, I e-mailed you.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

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Post Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 15 Feb 2006
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Location: Oklahoma City, OK

Amen to that Buffy. Most people can't even begin to understand how important friends and family become during a tour. Buffy just remember while you are being SUPERMOM & WONDERWIFE we are here for you too!!
I am really glad we got to talk in SA and call before you leave we'll grab dinner and I am always here.
Blue Spouse Love

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Post Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 23 Apr 2007
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Location: Gulf Breeze, FL

Thank you Ashley and Buffy.  I truly appreciate your sharing your experiences, insight and suggestions.  Buffy, my apology for referring to your husband as "Allen", vice Ryan.  Hey, here's a little thing about getting older - use the eye glasses you have so you can get things correct the first time!  When I read your response to Jeanette referring to Ryan as "my crazy Alien", I mis-read as "Allen".  Sorry about that.  

Thank you for your welcoming, and your encouragement - everyone!  No, I do not consider myself "just a Dad", but when I was first approved to join this terrific TIBPRIORS website and responded, the Portal Forum was entitled "Spouses Corner".  Very soon after submitting my first input, Mr. Chris Burch decided to change the name to "Family Corner".  Yet another example and testiment to the credit of everyone related with TOPS IN BLUE!  Since joining, I have received correspondence from several TIB Priors who know my daughter.  Yes indeed ... a beautiful and caring family!   Very Happy

PS. Any pictures are welcome.  Sure would like to keep a scrapbook.  By the way, does TIB make CD's and/or DVD's as the tour progresses?

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Post Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 1:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 25 Mar 2006
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Location: Okinawa, JP

I'll be seeing Jules soon out here in the sandbox. i'll be sure to pass on your love and affection. i'm so glad she came back to try again. she's worked really hard and deserves it. if you'd like to me to pass on any other words just let me know. i wonder how our kids are doing...

~ J
"I said the longest...:

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Post Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


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Location: Gulf Breeze, FL

Thank you so much.  I'm very happy to hear from you, and for your offer of expressing my love and affection when you see Julie, for me.  Yes, I would ask you let her know that her Dad and Grandma send our love and prayers to her - and the entire group.  We are extremely excited about attending our first local opportunity to witness "The Fly-BY" in July at Hurlburt.  I would also request you let her know that I am being well cared for by the entire Tops In Blue Family as I try to keep track of her. Everyone has graciously welcomed me "with open arms", and been so helpful.  Thank you all.  I also have seen some of your previous postings, providing great encouragement to so many folks, including my daughter.  A big SALUTE to you!

A quick note for Ashley.  Congratulations on joining the ANG.  My very best to you.  I saw your posting about this in another Forum and find it very interesting.  I can already see how being BLUE gets into, and stays, in your blood.  Best of luck with WW as well.  When selected, would that mean you and Jamie "reverse roles" for a year or so?  One other thing,  you received some great advice regarding "Basic Training" from several folks.  I think I concur, but am not a very good source for you as I was Navy (okay, don't shoot - I am unarmed) and only spent 16 weeks in "Boot Camp" way back then.  Besides, I was in a "Special Company" during Boot Camp - the Drum and Bugle Corps.  So, my experience was not typical of other "real" recruits.  No - it was so much better Very Happy .  I wish the Navy had such a fantastic opportunity (like Tops In Blue) in place back then - I blew a pretty mean horn in those days Cool .  Fear not, you will do great!

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Post Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


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Location: Okinawa, JP

No problem it shall be done. Take care and if you need anything or anyone to talk to, no offense to my sisters, but from a guy's perspective let me know.

~ J
"I said the longest...:

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Post Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 6:40 pm    Post subject: Dad "Little" Reply with quote


Joined: 25 Feb 2006
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Location: Osan, AB via Chi-town

"By the way, does TIB make CD's and/or DVD's as the tour progresses?"

Just recently, two CDs were made availabile  for TIB priors via the Agency including a collection of songs done by Priors and a DVD release of the Star Spangled Banner performance by the 2005 Team(which is available for download on the main site. )

As for CD's/DVD's of the tour as it progress, some team members may do personal recordings of some of their shows, but its strictly up to them and difficult to manage sometimes, while on tour. Perhaps, towards the end of tour, a recording of one of the final shows may be done and again might become available via the agency.  It varies year to year/tour to tour.

Things change and develop every year with each tour. So, it could be in the works for the future, perhaps.

I am here @ Tyndall in Panama City. I believe they come through on the 28 of July. if you would like to videotape the show when they come through Hurburt Field, it shoudn't be a problem to do so.

Hope this helps you some.


..."Its All Relative....But, It's Not Negative".....

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Post Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 10:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


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Location: Gulf Breeze, FL

Jamaal and Bobby,

Thank you gentlemen!  Jamaal, it DOES mean so much to me to learn how many true friends Julie has all over the world.  You know, it makes a parent very proud in so many ways - not only toward my "child" (hey, she'll always be my "LITTLE GIRL") but also in knowing she has chosen such good friends, as well.  

Bobby, thank you very much for sharing this information.  It gives me a much better perspective on how the system works.  I have seen and listened to the FANTASTIC DVD of the 2005 Team performing "The Star Spangled Banner" - totally awesome Very Happy .  I do not yet own the CD's you referenced, but I can assure you that Julie has them.  Yes, from the most recent schedule I have, they will perform here at Hurlburt on the 27th, then at Tyndall on the 28th in July.  I will be in touch with the Services Squadron at Hurlburt to see if their plans include video taping this performance - Air Force professionals can always do something this much better than I could.

I ask that each of you provide me your direct contact information.  Mine is listed in an earlier posting in the forum.

I am a very blessed person in the fact that I also have many friends presently located in all parts of the world  One of these friends, an Apache Helicopter Pilot is presently stationed in Iraq.  He was very gracious in taking time to send me a couple of photos from yesterday's TOPS IN BLUE performance at his base.  He advised me that his PAO has many pictures of the performance.  I asked Randy if it might be possible to obtain the complete collection AND any video recording, if they made one, so I might have it to share with the "families" back here at home.  I will be happy to forward the pictures I have received, and any additional ones received to those interested.  Please just let me know.

As always - thanks very much.  GOD Bless you all!


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Post Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 10:49 am    Post subject: Information Reply with quote


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Location: Osan, AB via Chi-town

Dad "Little",

Not a problem at all, sir. That's what the fam. is here for. I would have joined her on tour this year, however, due to "the mission" and circumstances beyond my control, I was not able to.... Look forward to seeing the show.

Phone: 773.744.0057cell
Email: bro_numsi@tmail.com (on the GLOBAL as well) robert.washington@tyndall.af.mil

On a side note: "Jamaal!  How soon will you be back in japan...let me know, dude!  Are you coming to the states any time soon?


..."Its All Relative....But, It's Not Negative".....

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Post Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 25 Mar 2006
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Location: Okinawa, JP

Well first off Dad Little my info

and when i get back home

Now for your Brother Bobby,
I'll be home soon, that's as much as I can say about that you know OPSEC and all. I should be in the states sometime this summer. GO BULLS!!!!
"I said the longest...:

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Post Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


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Location: Gulf Breeze, FL

Hi Everyone Smile   I just received another 20 pictures this morning of the TIB 28APR07 performance in Iraq from my friend in Balad.  If anyone wants me to forward them, please email me at "plittle4668@bellsouth.net" I will do the best I can to get these to you ASAP (but I'll be out of town from 3-7 May).  As the files are rather large, I'll have to send in a series of emails (apx 4MB each), unless someone can tell me how to reduce file sizes - I am technologically "challenged", and do not have a ZIP driver - remember, I was in the Navy when we used pencil, paper and were fortunate to have "dial telephones" Laughing
Thanks for the info Jamaal, Bobby and Libby. Got it, and will be in touch.
"Dad" Little

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Post Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


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Location: Gulf Breeze, FL

Hi Everyone,

It's been pretty quiet here lately.  I hope you are all well.  Also, I'd like to thank you Jamaal, for "passing the message" to Julie when you saw her.  If anyone has other update news about the tour our loved-ones have thus far experienced (which you can share in this format), please do so - I'd love to hear them.  You also have my email address at home.  I, personally, am happy to see that our "folks" might be getting a bit of a break now as they head back west.  Take care all, and GOD Bless.
"Dad" Little

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Post Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


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Location: Oklahoma City, OK

Hi Pat I will be seeing your daughter soon first here in SA and then June 9th and 11th in OK so if there is anything you need or want me to tell her I'd be happy to pass the message. I know it will be much eaiser to reach her in the states well with cell phones and all but if there is anything I can do let me know.
"We are told that talent creates its own opportunities. And it often seems that intense desire creates both its own opportunities, and its own talents."
             --Eric Hoffer, author

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Post Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


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Location: Gulf Breeze, FL

Thanks Ashley,

I appreciate your reply very much.  I learned something from it (I think).  I know they have all been touring in SW Asia for several weeks, and ... according to the published schedule ... have a brief break "in the action" before the next performance at Davis-Monthan.  I had no clue "where" that break might take place - so, I now assume back in SA, right?  Question:  While back - besides well-deserved rest, what goes on?

While in the States, I think I will have the opportunity to speak with Julie - and just as you said - communications are a lot better with cell phones, etc.  Although I do appreciate it tremendously, I think there would be no message necessary to pass to Julie (as I hope I will have already been in touch with her by the time you see her).

Again, thanks for your caring and interest.  Bless you.


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Post Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 4:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


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Location: Oklahoma City, OK

Pat you assumed correctly if I understand right and this is to no means say I am "in the loop" they have 2 days here in SA to rest and pick up the full set and wardrobe I will know a litlle more next week because I will be working at the production center so I will let you know then.
"We are told that talent creates its own opportunities. And it often seems that intense desire creates both its own opportunities, and its own talents."
             --Eric Hoffer, author

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Post Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 4:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


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Location: Gulf Breeze, FL

Thank you again, Ashley,

I just got off the phone with Julie (with allowed updates received).  So great to hear her voice and experiences thus far .... and her CONTINUED EXCITEMENT!

Thank you all for this fantastic support.  And to think ... "The Fly By" is just beginning.  Wow ... what a flight we all have in store!  


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Post Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 12:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


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Location: Kennett, England

Hello everyone! I just stopped by to say HELLO and wish everyone a happy Friday!!

~From your mouth to God's ears.~

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Post Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 10:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 23 Apr 2007
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Location: Gulf Breeze, FL

Hi Family,

Thanks for your "Happy Friday" wishes, Buffy.  I hope this finds everyone doing well  Smile   Please allow me to express a very HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the "Moms" in the family Very Happy .  Gentlemen, this is NOT the best of days to "start your engines" at the race track Wink .  You will find much more enjoyment (and get better mileage) by taking care of the very special Lady/Ladies in your life Cool .  With that being said, you also are wished a the beautiful day - as it takes two to make a Mother or a Father, right?  Maybe we should develop a "Parent's Day" in place of, or in addition to, Mother's Day and Father's Day Confused .  If we did the first (in place of), corporate America would not like it at all.  If we created the additional "Parents Day", they would love it?  What do you all think about that?

Please take care.  Thanks for all the emails and continuous contact from many of you.  

"Dad" Little

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